Sets: One bundle comes with five stems.
Color: Bleach White
Also available to order in Pink.
Our Preserved Bleached White Monstera Leaves are about 15 inches wide and 19 inches tall, though each stem may differ in length.
Upon receiving your monstera leaves, they feel damp or waxy to the touch. The Luxe B team recommends leaving them out to dry by a window before styling. Likewise, the stem is fragile; therefore, we recommend reinforcing it with floral wire to ensure durability.
These Bleached White Monstera Leaves are excellently placed in picture frames as wall art or best for arrangements where a floral drape is desired.
DIY projects are the perfect way to utilize any of our dried floral products. Allow yourself to customize your floral arrangement for your home or office personally. Also great to incorporate into any of your bridal designs.
Story: These bleached white monstera leaves are an excellent way of adding BOHO vibes to any room. The soft texture of the Monstera leaf can provide a soft and subtle feel to your floral arrangement.
Care: The stems and leaves are incredibly soft and fragile, to be handled with care.
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